CANSIM OLAP View is an enhanced version of multi-dimensional view offered by the CHASS Data Centre.
OLAP means On Line Analytical Processing, and is a way of analyzing large amounts of multi-dimensional data in real time by performing various operations on data dimensions.
This view is presenting each CANSIM table as an OLAP cube.
CANSIM OLAP View @ CHASS features:
- Whole view of a CANSIM table: number of dimensions, data time frame,size of the table;
- Data presented in easy to understand 2-dimensional table (rows and columns);
- Ease in manipulating table's dimensions;
- Aggregations on time dimension;
- Powerful charting capabilities;
- Data and charts exported to PDF or Spreadsheet formats;
- Data updated daily.
Currently, CANSIM OLAP View is integrated with the dimensional and time-series views. A main start page and metadata will be provided in the future.
To access CANSIM OLAP View visit CANSIM Multidimensional, search/browse/locate tables operations will offer the new view.